Thursday, August 6, 2009


Inspired by this and inspired by that

I decided yesterday to be the day I finally put my brainstorming aside and try it.


I planned to use Sultry by Basic Grey for this
but wanted a sort of "muslin" first...

Should I pleat? instead of ruche?


Hubby, no likey
I think because it's not a traditional quilt block.
(like I've said before haphazzard is not up his alley)

I would stagger this type of block in between regular 10" squares
like Floral Parade by Kaffe Fassett

(picture courtesy of Cabbage Quilts)



  1. I think thats a very cool idea! Never seen anything like it! I also LOVE Kaffe quilts...

  2. I think I would like it as a pillow - not sure how you would quilt it after its been all pieced together - would you just quilt around the borders and leave the poof. I am all for modern quilts - I love them actually and really it never hurts to try something new. Maybe do a doll quilt first and see how it turns out.

  3. On it's on like that, I think it's very pretty (and I really like the color scheme) but once you get in put together and actually quilted down, will the design element of the gather (or pleat or whichever you decide on) still be obvious?
    Maybe pintucks would work the best to keep their non-traditional texture and design element once quilted up?
    Don't know at all, just my $0.02.

  4. I think that it will look good. By your example it looks like none of the blocks truly stick out, except the largest block. I think this will be a super cute quilt.

  5. I really like it - I think it will add a a 3-dimensional effect to a quilt. Did it take long to do?
    Love the quote in the last post too - from the mouths of babes!


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