Sunday, February 28, 2010

Faith Like Potatoes

Watching this with the youth from our church today...


We open our home twice a month to 10-15 rowdy teenagers and feed them.
We normally do a bible study.
Right now we are focused on the book by Jerry Brydges
"Respectable Sins"

It is also powerful.

It is changing how I live my life.



On another note, I know I haven't been around much lately but I've had a bit going on....

be back tomorrow with an update :)


Miller Racing Family said...

We have seen the movie and will agree it is very good.
I was getting a little worried about you, I missed seeing your projects in blogland.
Have you received your photo? I hope it all turned out alright.
Have a great Sunday!

Jennifer Juniper said...

I kept checking on you and was wondering! I'm glad your back and okay :)

HMaas said...

Hey Kelly
I so want to see the movie - did you rent it or buy it? I teach Junior Young Peoples too - it is very rewarding - do you find the book "Respectable Sins" to advanced for them? or do they love it?

Glad to see you around - I too have been missing from blogland for a little over a month.